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Mohit Khanna – Ignorance & Delay

Mohit Khanna’s latest EP, “Ignorance & Delay,” is a fresh, spunky, and lively piece of modern instrumental electronic music with a rough around the edges pizzaz to it all.

Since beginning his musical journey in 2020 with Garageband and a MacBook, Khanna has honed his skills through various courses, focusing on musical composition and mastering Ableton Live. On his latst three-track offering, he seamlessly manages to blend his myriad influences of rock, house, trip-hop, fusion, and modern deep house, ambient, and chill music.

The opening track, “Tres Bien,” sets a vibrant tone for the EP. Its title, meaning “Very Well” in French, reflects Khanna’s confidence in his artistic progress. The track is an uplifting declaration of his improved sound, drawing from his basic French studies and musical training to create an upbeat and engaging piece. You an hear it in the energy of the track itself, there’s a visibly more happy and bold nature to it.

“Acknowledging Oblivion” takes a more introspective turn, offering a meditative composition that invites listeners to lose themselves in its thoughtful melodies. The title suggests a duality—both a recognition of the present moment and a gentle surrender to the music’s flow. This track highlights Khanna’s contemplative nature and hints at his contemplation of pursuing music full-time over his current career in web and mobile development. But it’s in the way he weaves this mesh together, a slew of so many little intricacies in the arrangement that make it my personal highlight.

The final track, “Spotlight Toggle,” is a versatile instrumental piece that can be enjoyed both as focused listening and as a backdrop for work or study. The track’s title suggests a switch between foreground and background attention, embodying the EP’s theme of balancing focus and distraction. It’s got a start stop tonality and rhythm to it, further evolving that sound and ethos.

“Ignorance & Delay” is a nuanced and thoughtfully crafted EP that marks Mohit Khanna as a promising artist in the electronic music scene. His innovative use of technology and eclectic influences create a distinctive sound that is both reflective and forward-thinking.

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