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Moon and Aries – Break The Matrix (Episode Two)

Once again, breaking boundaries with their cathartic and flourishing style of breakbeat electro-pop, Moon and Aries deliver the second episode of ‘Break The Matrix’ with as much hypnotisms and psychedelic spreads that combine the future with breaks of nostalgia. Once again delivering their trademark combination of operatic harmonies alongside wholly futuristic beats, Moon and Aries’ well defined and continually evolving style only grows in recognition and distinction with each passing release. Jordana Moon’s vocals, always echoing this sense of sensuality and introspection with so much emotional depth behind each lyric matches wonderfully with the hypnotic and rhythmic beat patterns that Tom Aries continues to unwind across this three part relase.

The opening ‘Codes and Circles’ is a seismic track, the kind of fusion between an opera tune and a down tempo deep house piece that makes ‘Moon and Aries’ so recognisable in my mind. While ‘The Butterfly Effect’ feels like a bit of a filler, it does allow for Jordana Moon’s vocals to really steal the show and fully display her prowess. It’s on ‘Rescued’ though that I feel Moon and Aries really showcase the duo’s strengths to their fullest. The beat is absolutely sensational, impossible to leave your mind as it repeats again and again. Jordana Moon’s voice serves almost like an instrument here, with each vocalisation really just adding to the layers upon layers that are put before you.

There’s always something new and innately different about Moon and Aries. I think any electronic music fan will find their tunes rivetingly engaging and markedly distinct from the saturated crowd. This unique blend of operatic emotion and performance alongside a more mellow and relaxed production arrangement is truly remarkable.

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