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Nadia Kazmi – Manufactured Dream

Opening with an absolutely funky bassline that has you bouncing, Nadia Kazmi’s ‘Manufactured Dream’ is an over the top and opulent piece of power driven pop rock that’s absolutely electric. While the verses have a certain bounce and pop to them, the chorus is far more luxuriously sensual and dreamy in its atmosphere. That juxtaposition in styles and that contrast in energies makes the constant to-and-fro a memorable ride to hop on top of. The song itself is an indictment of our times, the constant hustle bustle induced by social media, late stage capitalism, and our fixation with the material while losing touch of the moral.

With a luxurious and altogether immersive dreamscape that just exudes such an illustrious and resplendent world, ‘Manufactured Dream’ is a truly pathbreaking piece of modern pop rock.

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