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Nick Noon – Bring Out The Sunshine

Nick Noon illuminates you with a splendorous and cinematic piece of nostalgic dripping soft rock on ‘Bring out The Sunshine’. The Nashville based artist brings a rather upbeat yet not loud or rousing style on his latest tune, evoking a kind of euphoric and stirring sensation purely from the seeming opulence of the arrangement and anthemic chorus line. It draws you in from the first verse itself, simply oozing a glorious energy that captivates you as a listener to fall further and further into this luscious and full blooded arrangement that’s so majestic yet reserved when it needs to be.

Nick Noon delivers his lines with the perfect composure, treading the melody with an expressiveness that just adds to the overall emotional core of the song. You can’t find yourself frowning after this song closes down. Better days are always ahead, and finding them with the person who means the most is what makes things all that more special.

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