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Nickon Faith – Visions

“Visions” is an exhilarating and pulsating piece of dynamic dance music that’s absolutely electrifyingly expressive with a tinge of experimentalism and brimming with a level of energy that’s palpably exciting. The entire EP is an experimental delight but its on the record’s opener that you really find yourself immersed in the best ways possible. “Visions” is a magnetic piece, an absolutely hypnotic trance inducing record that thrives on the sheer drive and bounce of its tempo. But there’s also a progressive element to Visions that Nickson Faith brings to life, a pattern that builds and grows with a subtle yet discernible precision that keeps you excited and interested in what’s yet to come.

There’s something innately euphoric aboutVisions that’s hard to quantify. It’s a powerful progression that’s bound to keep you entirely engrossed. It’s got a spark to it that’s like an ember that never seems to go out, fixating on that singular flame and beat till you’re fully immersed in the beat.

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