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Pietro Borradori – Dual | Minimalism

Dual is a clash of styles, but an intermingling of ideas that melds the two with seamless ease. Bringing together modern innovation with classical tradition, Pietro Borradori brings a certain amount of profoundly experimental minimalism with imagination. The blending together of acoustic strings with extended keywork on the piano creates a sonic niche that I haven’t really heard anywhere else. Strings bows are used to play piano as a string instrument as well as felts has been applied to piano to obtain a softer sound. The resultant, almost electronic sounding instrumentation, is the result of, amazingly, acoustic work.

The opener, ‘Dual C’ is the album at its most sedative and smooth. The hauntingly beautiful arrangement has you in a state of complete placidity, blissfully in awe of the world around you as Borradori lulls you into a deep and impassioned sense of calmness. Detachment is more subtle, using more distinctive patterns, strings, and keys to craft its melody. Where its predecessor opted for overwhelming atmospheric melody that has you wholeheartedly enveloped, ‘Detachment’ sees the cello break out in a more clear and prominent role. Each track brings out an emotion of its own, meticulously put together by Borradori’s keen attention to detail and restraint gives more through less. Minimalism that’s able to craft overwhelmingly emotional journeys that have you enraptured at a visceral level.

Dual is multi purpose in name and practice. It has a two faceted personality in expression, categorised by two different duets — one with the cello and the other with the piano. But it’s also a clash of styles, emphasized by the duel between seemingly opposed and conflicting schools of thought. Melody and rhythm, tradition and modernity, pattern and harmony; each find their home here.

‘Dual’ is an album to not just enjoy, but to retain. It’s a meditative record that will have you elevated to a higher plane.

Check my playlists here!

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