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Polyvoda – Pilgrims Never Come Back

One of the most interesting and intoxicating records I’ve had the pleasure to discover all year, Polyvoda’s “Pilgrims Never Come Back” is a sonic journey in and of itself. There isn’t much for me to draw parallels to, it’s a sound that’s inherently its own little world. And that’s a world I’ve been waiting to explore for so long. The Ukrainian groups exploration of his life, grief, circumstances are accompanied by an anonymous vocalist who adds a degree of mystique and distinction to the performance. A song like “Queens” is so empowering and speaks to the overall emotion of the record. It recognises and speaks to the darkness its been crafted in, but escapes with a light that just screams an optimism and radiance that’s resplendent of a soul alive.

Everything on this record, from the intricate lyrical raps to the expertly dexterous harmonies and myriad of instrumental choices all wire themselves together into this mesh that’s masterfully pieced together.

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