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“Veil Lifter,” the latest offering from POST DEATH SOUNDTRACK, is a bold departure from their previous soundscapes, opting instead for a raw and visceral exploration. Inspired by the grunge and doom influences of bands like Alice in Chains and Black Sabbath, as well as modern heavyweights such as Russian Circles and Queens of the Stone Age, Jon Ireson and Stephen Moore craft a sonic landscape of sludgy riffs, intense grooves, and hypnotic rhythms across ten tracks. There’s a distinctive heaviness to this record that’s wholly ominous and foreboding.

Thematically deep and thought-provoking, “Veil Lifter” delves into profound subjects like mental illness, isolation, and spiritual awakening. The album’s title, drawn from Eastern philosophies, symbolises a quest to uncover hidden truths beneath external distractions. It propels listeners through landscapes of shadowy dreams and scorched earth, resonating with a primal urgency for solace and renewal.

Steve’s introspective commentary on the album underscores its raw emotional power and cathartic essence. Born from times of personal turmoil and introspection, “Veil Lifter” stands as a testament to resilience and spiritual fortitude. Its rich tapestry of metaphors and dream-like imagery invites listeners on an immersive journey of self-discovery and existential reflection.

This is psychedelic rock done right, with heaviness, with intent, and with undeniable power. There’s aggression, but not the wanton kind. It’s measured, introspective, and intense.

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