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Ruud Voesten – Clickbait Merchants

A decrying of the modern day obsession with fast paced attention, the 24/7 news cycle, and the depraved attitude of those commanding the system to fuel headlines and not actual information, Ruud Voesten’s eccentric Jazz instrumental piece “Clickbait Merchants” is a sumptuous and verve packed statement.

With an erratic arrangement that reflects the fickle and agitated nature of clickbait, the track is full of energy and provocation. The fre flowing melodies and dynamic changes reflect the annoyance that people feel when bombarded with headlines that demand their attention. The instrumental arrangement is so filled, constantly feeling like there’s so much going on and from all corners of your sound system as well. It’s commentary without needing words to break it down, choosing instead to merely capture the chaos and convolution that’s ever present around us through meticulous and dexterous instrumental work.

A marvel without a doubt.

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