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RYTA RAY – Frequency of Love

Heartfelt, emotive, and deeply expressive, RYTA RAY lays it all on “Frequency of Love”. The driving piano ballad from this emerging Ukrainian artist is brimming with a sincerity and empathy that pierces through the most stoic and stone hearted of souls. It’s about looking inward and finding that warmth, that fundamental quality of love that exists within each and every one of us no matter how guarded or hidden it might be. RYTA RAY encourages you to uncover that emotion, to draw it out and project it onto those less fortunate. All we have to give and take, barring all that’s material and transitory, is love. We need to tune into its frequency, find it within ourselves to love who we are, and to take it outside to help those who need it the most to get back.

Poignant, purposeful, and powerful, this is a ballad to impress.

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