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Said Sara – Then There You Are

Said Sara’s latest single, “Then There You Are,” delves into the poignant theme of receiving signs from loved ones who have recently passed away. The song encourages listeners to heed and accept guidance from these spiritual messages.

With a minimalist acoustic arrangement, the track is anchored by David Benson’s (aka Said Sara) distinct and heartfelt vocal performance. His voice, both powerful and endearing, weaves a compelling folk narrative that is uniquely its own. Fresh and timeless, it’s a flavour all on its own.

“Then There You Are” is beautifully able to showcase the subtle yet profound connections we maintain with those we’ve lost, navigating the deep darks and sudden flashes of light in our lives with a bit of help from beyond. This powerful folk piece stands out for its emotional depth and simplicity, making it a moving addition to Said Sara’s discography.

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