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Sail Cassady – Juniper

“Juniper” is a record that thrives on its quaintness. It’s a deeply personal record, one that Sail Cassady penned down during moments of great reflection and introspection. Written over a lengthy period that prolongs and spans many an era in Sail Cassady’s extended music career, “Juniper’s” frolic and upbeat vibrancy in its arrangement is a delightfully warm and resplendent experience to hear. From the opening of a track as jovial yet sentimental as “Abandoned Cars”, the vibe is immediately set with Sail Cassady’s evocative vocals guiding you through this collection of supple and soothing soft rock that carries energy as much as it does emotion.

Ballads like Forest Steele serve as the emotional bedrock and anchor of the project. Each track’s lyrics unravel and reveal so much of the inner workings of the songwriter themselves, a perfect ode to singer-songwriter music with purpose and poise. The writing across this record is sublime, such a clearly cathartic experience for both the creator and the listener as you sort of submit and let yourself hear each and every note and line cut through your own walls. Personal favourites for me come through in songs like “Paris Under Foot” and the achingly performed “Hiding in Vancouver”.

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