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Sam Feinstein – Chasing The Bull

Sam Feinstein feels like an artist from a bygone era. The undeniably raw and authentic expression that comes from his gruff delivery and sardonic dialogue gives him a level of spark and distinctiveness that’s oftentimes hard to come by in this era’s musicians. ‘Chasing The Bull’ draws the rifle towards the seemingly never ending waterfall and stream of perpetrators online advocating for quick fire money making schemes through dodgy crypto currency and NFT driven projects. What’s quickly unravelled today as a scam was a gold rush unlike most, where many a perpetrator walked away with a fortune to hold onto.

Feinstein’s track describes the character of a dodgy scam-artist trying to leverage unsuspecting victims. It has you stopping and think about the seeming pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and first try to understand whether the path is even slightly stable to get there. It’s raw, imaginatively produced, and lusciously arranged to make for an entertaining and enjoyable ride of a funk rock song.

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