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San Quentin – You Got Some Nerve

Opening with a riff as rambunctious and raucous as San Quentin bring to life on ‘You Got Some Nerve’ is bound to incite any rock fan to start head banging with mental aggression. The powerful indie rock anthem from this Southend based outfit just feels so authentic, raw, and gritty while maintaining a clear dexterous skill that leaves you impressed with the sheer quality behind the arrangement as a whole. The swagger filled vocal performance is so slick and suave, just adding additional dimensions of quality to the heaviness of the banging and crashing guitars.

A song about modern day romance, stylised and compared to a Mexican standoff, ‘You Got Some Nerve’ is all about the texting culture and the even larger technological warped nature of our relationships. Loaded with a sense of anger, rage, and rousing riffs alongside addictive hooks, San Quentin is a rebellious rock group bringing hard hitting indie rock back with flair.

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