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Shadow Box – Flat Moon

Shadow Box describe themselves as a mix between Simon & Garfunkel and Grunge artists. If that isn’t enough to spark your attention, then you probably aren’t a rock n roll fan. The four piece rock group are deftly able to mesh traditional folk with more abrasive and harsh grunge sounds to create an immensely appealing album in Shadow Box. They’ve got a bit of progressive rock elements embedded in them as well, with some of their pieces clocking well over five minutes long and containing a multitude of different little dismembered tracks all seamlessly stitched together.

The album’s opener, ‘Destination All’, perfectly outlies the bands ethos and soundscapes for the rest of the album’s duration. Opening with a folksy guitar intro, the vocals enter bellowing akin to Layne Stayley himself. The to and fro between the ominous acoustic and the grunge harmonisation on the vocals is what makes Shadow Box who they are. ‘Drowning Flowers’ is another powerful piece on the album, with Michael Roman and Michael Rainone both harmonising with equal power and emotion on an emphatically loud and aggressive chorus.

When conceptualising ‘Flat Moon’, the band make it clear from the get go that their plan and project would involve and incorporate a few NJ based musicians that are favourites of the band. One such feature is Cody McCorry of progressive rock band Thank You Scientist, who plays on “Destination All” and “Sandbox.” Overall, ‘Flat Moon’ is bound to leave you energised and pumped — ready to elevate yourself, pump your workout that much more, or run down an empty road while feeling you’re on top of the world.

For me personally, growing up on grunge music always leaves me with a special affinity for similar sounds. The genre was so foundational, but for some reason or the other, enjoyed a bright and strong flame in the early and mid 90s before it entirely flickered into oblivion. So to hear Shadow Box reinvigorate that genre with such a new take, bringing in elements of a Simon & Garfunkel, is incredibly refreshing to experience. And I’m sure I am far from alone in feeling this. There are plenty of rock enthusiasts today who grew up idolising the likes of Cobain, Stayley, Vedder, and Cornell. Shadow Box has that vocal style down to a tee, sounding almost eerily similar to the late Layne Stayley & Chris Cornell. So, if you’re anything like us, ‘Flat Moon’ will be an absolute delight to hear.

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