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Sub:Om – Back to the Source

LA based rockers Sub:Om infuse elements of electronica with driving and powerful hard rock to create a delectably exciting medley that is bound to excite most rock fans. They bring a fresh perspective to the genre, electrifying and brooding at the same time. There’s a darkness to the record, immediately discernible on the opening track ‘Black Hole’. But it’s also imbued with a spark of flourish and vibrant energy that’s most evident in the charged and electric vocal performances from Vex. With clear influences from grunge music and electronica music from the 90s, this intriguing confluence of the two makes for an experience that’s different and engaging.

Each track on Back to the Source is vibrantly curated, arranged with so many little details to add to their larger goal of having their songs be more than just flat auditory experiences. They have a visionary outlook, one that’s brought out through the effective visual glaze that each track brings out. The album’s titular track, ‘Back to the Source’ is perhaps the most interesting and powerful piece. There’s a brooding and nostalgic air to the electronic atmosphere on this track. The vocals are less pronounced, serving as a hallowing backtrack to the more prominent production atmosphere.

They’re eerie but eccentric. Sub:Om is thoroughly their own in style and conception. With a record that combines darkness with vibrancy, ‘Back to the Source’ becomes one of the most exceptionally interesting combinations of electronica and hard rock that I’ve had the pleasure to dive into. The engaging emotive drive is matched by the guitars and the vocals. It’s a flourish of a rollercoaster.

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