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Teen Mortgage – Smoked

Absolutely raucous and noisy, Smoked is noise rock exemplified. The unrelenting and almost haywire arrangement coupled with the distorted elements both in the production and in the vocals are tenants of the genre that are immediately discernible. But it’s also got so much angst in it that shines through from the more traditional punk energy that you can hear in the anger and whininess of the vocal performance. A true skater rock tune, with a video that doesn’t for one moment shy away from that expectation, Smoked truly leaves you feeling absolutely floored. You’re flooded with energy while it’s playing, straight to the top and while watching the various tricks and falls in the skating video it comes along with. A song written as a tribute to the lifestyle itself, few tunes could be as apt as Smoked.

Washington, DC’s tinnitus transmitting twosome, Teen Mortgage are noise rock enthusiasts who are defiantly bringing that never say die energy to the space. Watch out.

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