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The Crystal Casino Band – Not About You

The fifth album from DC based indie rock outfit The Crystal Casino Band highlights the evolution and maturity in the sound of these four artists over their careers. Coming with a sound reminiscent of the forefathers of Indie rock in the early 00s, they’re defiantly upbeat and joyous. ‘Not About You’, from the opening and titular track is replete with youthful energy and emotion, compelling you to flip your day to day from gloomy to optimistic. Having amassed over a million streams across their singles, and averaging close to a hundred thousand monthly listeners, the group has already made a fan out of many.

After hearing their latest album, I’m definitely adding myself to that ever-growing fanbase. Filled with exciting and poppy verses and riffs, The Crystal Casino Band are a joy to listen to at almost any mood or moment. They can be a source of upliftment, comfort, or even just a sing-along party song. Oscillating between harder more menacing riffs on Kala towards the more upbeat and indie-pop emblematic ones like the one on Complicated, they really don’t ever restrict themselves to a single style.

However, what remains consistent about the group is their ability to continually come up with hooks that seemingly refuse to leave your head. Every track on the album is anchored and built around a structure that progresses to an addictive chorus. With eight pieces, four of which constitute previously released singles, The Crystal Casino Band have verified themselves as experts in indie pop rock.

What makes their work so appealing to me lies in the content itself. Each song is keenly personal, but instantly relatable to anyone given the rather universal emotions and themes that singer Pete Stevens gives his heart out in. Inspired by the likes of Death Cab for Cutie, The Strokes, and The Killers, Pete saw that area as more than just influential for his sound, but also for helping him personally. “that era of music for me personally has helped me get through so much, I want to be able to provide that same feeling of comfort for others… and I think we have, just reading through the DMs we receive on Instagram I know that others are going through similar situations to the ones we have in our lyrics. It has given me a sense of purpose with this album and I hope that comes across.”

It’s there where I find their success so easily understandable. They’re fun, relatable, and expressive without being pretentious. Take this lyric from 100 Degrees, “We’re too old to leave those marks around my neck// There’s an age when no one looks at that impressed// It’s just desperate”. Kind of makes you chuckle and introspect all at once.

If you’re looking for some warmth, nostalgia, and optimism, indie rock often is the best place to go. And while most of the best artists still come from the genre’s peak in the 2000s, The Crystal Casino Band are showing its far from died out. Not About You is instantly enjoyable and well worth your time.

,Find No Anger

,Find No Silence

,Find No Boredom

,Find No Past

,Find No Normalcy

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,Special Ones

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