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The Goons – DCxPC Live Vol. 5 The Goons Live at The Black Cat 2001

The Goons have been a seminal part of the DC Hardcore scene since the early 1990s. On this 2001 recorded live record, you truly get a blast from the past into the sheer freneticism and energy that these DC rockers brought to the stage. Bringing out and unloading such a furious frenzy that’s almost overwhelming and definitely confounding, it’s a rollercoaster ride that’s bound to have you experiencing first hand what those nights were really like. It feels like such an outpouring of rage, such a genuine and raw flurry of visceral thoughts and emotions in the most unfiltered and expressive way.

From back to front, the 15 performed pieces from White Tide to Ozone Alert break down walls and apprehensions of the establishment and society at large. Given the relative age of the recording and possibly the location wherein it took place, you can’t be too aggrieved at the unadulterated blaze that you’re hearing on ‘Live at the Black Cat’. But really, listening to this album now does feel like a noise rock record more than anything else. It is furious and unfiltered, but also mixed and pieced together so that visceral garage sound does come out more than anything else.

For die hard punk fans, those who appreciate and revel in the sheer berserk energy that those shows used to bring, this will be a discovery well worth your exploration.

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