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Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps – Something New

“Something New” is Tom Tikka at his sincere and endearing best. Back to his roots, he’s this time on a classical rock zone that’s as easy a listen as ever. The powerful piano driven build up is a genuine and powerful performance that’s amped up by the strings in the background. It’s an orchestral performance with Tom Tikka delivering one of his most memorable vocal performances. There’s a grandness ot it all, a delectable vocal melody that has you in complete fixation and obsession with the melancholy of it all. But, behind the rather dreary and sad moodiness, there’s an underlying current of hope that comes through with the grandiosity of the arrangement, a nigh cinematic finish towards the end that gives you such a clear moment of catharsis.

Ever the talent, Tom Tikka & The Missing Hubcaps is a songwriting extraordinaire who’s constantly penning new tunes with style and substance. “Something New” is his latest offering, a delightful cinematic pop tune that showcases what he can do when he’s operating with scale.

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