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WORLD GOVERNMENT’s innately offbeat and completely absurd piece of seven experimental tracks ‘Lucky’ is an absolute ride of a record. The transcendent and ethereal album kickstarts with a title track that completely flows all over you and the entire overflow of synth driven genre defying post punk is beyond any single style, any individual genre, and any particular stream of relatability. ‘Lucky’ is an album for all seasons, a record that gets you going unlike any other, a singular theme that stays true throughout with interpretations that continually start to change perhaps through the differing names of ‘Lucky’ itself or the subtle nuances within the production of each record.

There’s a spookiness to the record, an eerie and foreboding element that starts to spread and echo darkness all over yourself. WORLD GOVERNMENT are experts in weaving together the magic of tension itself. You feel so overwhelmed but also put at such a blissfully serene state by the way the album progresses from building tension and then catharising it all through the come down that’s perfect best exemplified on ‘Time Time Lucky’, the beautifully blissful and calming synths that just smoothen all over you.

‘Lucky’ is unlike anything I’ve heard before. It’s remarkably dark but optimistic as well. A strange confluence of electronic, synth, and post punk, WORLD GOVERNMENT are definitely far above the norm. Well worth the exploration and the complete immersion into this wholly unique world.

Check my playlists here!

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