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Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends – Smash

Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends deliver a high-octane burst of energy with their single “Smash.” Originally intended as a rockabilly tune, the track takes an unexpected turn, embracing a raw and gritty punk/garage band sound that infuses it with an undeniable edge. It’s got a rough around the edges quality that just has you head banging in eager anticipation.

From the opening bars, the driving drums take centre stage, setting a pulsating rhythm that propels the song forward. The choice to play the eights on the snare instead of the hi-hat adds a distinct fifties vibe, infusing “Smash” with a touch of nostalgia.

With its blistering guitars and frenzied pace, the single exudes an infectious energy that demands attention. The band’s rebellious and outlandish spirit shines through, capturing the essence of punk rock’s raw power. The vocals soar above the instrumentals, delivering impassioned lyrics with a sense of urgency.

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