From world renowned violinist Bernadett comes an entrancing, bewitching, and wholly mesmerising rendition of the storied ‘Palladio’. Released alongside a...
Grandiose, immense, and deeply cinematic, Carl Liungman’s “Change” is an epic record by all stretches. Yet, a pure play piano...
‘Emergence’ is tranquillity personified through sound. The classical instrumental record from Claire Bigley feels like a reset button, an eight...
A concept album that’s as ambitious as it is impressive, Croptal’s exploration into a multitude of different instrumental arrangements and...
“A great day” is a stunning and cinematic piece of classical music from composer Davide Anniballi. With its lush orchestration...
Hans Frans’ latest EP, “Nicht Alleine,” is an eclectic blend of musical styles that defies traditional genre boundaries. Drawing inspiration...
Brian Field has a lustrous career that spans across various industries and fields of work. The masterful New York based...
Claire Bigley’s “Embodiment” is a beautiful and heart-wrenching piano solo that draws even more resonance and power through the introduction...
The new project from Claudia Heidegger, songstress, multi-instrumentalist and acclaimed “virtuoso of the quiet tones” (as she was dubbed by...
Dave Mohan’s “For Polina: Till Tears Run Dry” is a beautiful and emotive tribute to a life lost too soon...
New York based violinist Elizabeth Tsung is here to shock, amaze, and leave you entirely in awe with her talent...
Kepa Lehtinen’s album “In The Heart of Winter” is an ambitious, eclectic mix of acoustic instruments and electronic sounds. Known...