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Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz – So Far Gone

‘So Far Gone’ is a neatly structured, carefully curated, and by the numbers folk rock record that takes out the best of what makes Americana have a broad based appeal into a sumptuous six track release. The prolific duo Eric Anders and Mark O’Bitz make have already brought out numerous projects in recent years, each of which delivering a fresh and unique style to their musical sensibilities. What’s at the core, is a focused and direct attention paid towards the fundamental qualities of song writing. There’s a constant emphasis on narratives, on building arrangements, and lyrics that evoke bundles of meaning in each track.

Opening with a resoundingly powerful titular track, the duo immediately roll you into their universe with a bang on ‘So Far Gone’. ‘Above the Highest of Spires’ takes a more languid approach, a much more atmospheric and almost hypnotic tune with a chorus that completely lulls you into a lackadaisical sense of relaxation and wonder in equal measure. ‘Fantasyland’ continues that rather larger than life and fantastical feeling that’s evoked in its predecessor with a dreamy and enchanting energy. The rather slow paced tempo of their music doesn’t once mean you find yourself in a dull moment. ‘Down to See’ and ‘Dirty Sun’ almost serve as the record’s soft rock ballads. Finally on the closing piece, you see the full narrative and progressive prowess of the duo. There’s a full story being posited here, told with such emotional resonance, revealing two sides of the equation. I wouldn’t want to spoil the powerful familial dynamics that are brought to life but this seven minute epic really has you in the throes of your emotions.

A wonderful experience for any fan of singer-songwriter music, particularly the kind that places a much more pointed emphasis on instrumental arrangements, large and towering electric guitars, and down tempo drums.

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