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Jackson Wagner – Like An Angel | Anthem Americana

Imbued with an intensity and ease that’s got both poise and emotion, Jackson Wagner carries a spring in his step and jovial energy with each strum on “Like An Angel”. The proud Americana anthem from this San Diego based singer-songwriter is an instant ear-worm. Driven and mounted on an immediately arresting banjo-esque riff, Wagner’s powerful country voice gives the song a character and flair that’s filled with a rousing energy.

The song’s second part, “and you’re kind like an angel” is the peak of the entire track to my ears. It’s delivered with such verve and passion from Wagner, a statement performance that’s at its absolute best at that zenith. Filled with flavour and substance, “Like An Angel” is as fun and endearing as it is powerfully sung and performed.

An Americana anthem that’s bound to get you toe-tapping and singing along.

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