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Raven Shelley – Do You Miss Me Yet?

Effortlessly light and sung with a level of poignance and eloquence, Raven Shelley’s pop escapade ‘Do You Miss Me Yet?’ feels like a blast from the past in an ever so moving way. Beautifully sung and very measured in production, the song has a rather constant and simple structure that serves to amplify and really focus on the vocal chops of Raven Shelley herself. You find yourself inextricably drawn to the story she’s evoking through the song, very tied to the ease with which she’s able to convey the depth of her emotion through the lightness and endearing nature of her voice.

For fans of classic pop music, the kind anchored on meticulous vocals above all else, Raven Shelley’s growing catalogue and vocal chops are bound to leave you impressed and yearning for more.

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