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Jonathan Brenner – Instagram Success

Although delivered with the veneer of a cute and restrained indie jazz pop feel, Jonathan Brenner’s topicality on “Instagram Success” is much more in line with the over produced superficiality of the modern age with an old school delivery. Brenner decries sardonically the obsession with plasticity, photoshop, posing, and the overarching culture of portraying yourself to be whatever the flavour of the week necessitates. “And I don’t have a lot to say but people listen anyway because I’m all the buzz” is just one of the many one liner gems that Brenner continually deilvers with such gleeful sarcasm that’s equal parts humorous and also fairly depressive for how real his point being made actually is.

A poignant sign of the times that’s a fun and melodic journey in any way, Brenner’s “Instagram Success” is an indictment of where we are today.

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